
Showing posts from December, 2014


T'was on 29th December. It was to me just like any other day except for the expectant thoughts that coloured it. Many folks were drifting their attention from the joys and unfulfilled desires of the Christmas celebrations to the expected New Year. Hopes were high. The seeming successful property and business owning folks had dreams of owning greater assets and increase their profits with the coming of the New Year. Those had to cry, wail and mourn the death of their loved ones expected the transition from the old to the new year to heal their woes. Failed businesses aimed revival. Below average students dreamed academic improvements for the New Year. Ugly relationships dreamt love that heals differences. The street hawker drew her plans to become better just like the banker did his. Governments sought ways of improving the economy so as to maintain power. All people had dreams for this yet unborn year. I was no exception. I had a legion of thoughts, ambitions and re...


The road was dusty The Lorries rusty and rickety We however longed much to ride in them. The chance never came. The days passed. Yet the day to ride in them never came It was a long desire. Though it lasted for years It was one existing in our minds only How real, we never knew Brother would tell stories on the dusty road about football dreams. Yes, dreams it remained. Like a headless sardine I had no idea what I wanted. Pushing through the long road to school always Sometimes alone at age eight Beaten by the rain, scotched by the sun, by-passed by the treasured rickety lorry I always took time to wave at. Amidst all these, there was joy untold Yes! Joy that lasted beyond days The joy was sure because I know no travels I could not compare my experience to any other The champion in the village I was School was fun because I had power Daddy was a staff; Brother was a senior Today is Saturday- a day to toil for naught The lands and trees we cleared with old ...


 ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? Where is the passion you had when you were first saved? What have you added to faith? REMEMBER how you were broken, humbled in heart and having a fond but overflowing desire to put the world behind you. You told yourself, you would look nowhere else but the cross. You told Jesus you wanted Him as Lord and Saviour. Now you want to be your own Lord? Your life is too precious to be lived doing the will of the world. Do the precious lasting will of God with your precious life and time. It glorified Him. Go back to the roots, Rekindle the passion, Revive the decisions, Live them. God has sown a greater potential in you. Do not suppress it. Stop being an audience, a spectator. Stand up! Start using what God has give you. Keep using it, Develop it, let it grow. You would be glad at the end. And you know what? God would be glorified and He would bless you in abundance.


You say you love him/her. You are always caught reminising some of the good memories and moments you shared. You wish you were always together. Any time the thought of losing him/her pops up, you quickly suppress it. How you wish you could make all things fall just in place for u both to always be there for each other. But the hard unpleasant fact you don't want to hear is you will either lose him/her or he/she will lose you. DEATH WILL CARELESSLY SNATCH ONE OF YOU AT ALL COST. SUCH IS LIFE. So, Why not share God's word of salvation by faith in Jesus with your best friend. It is the only way to keep your friendships to last beyond death.once your good friend comes to accept him and u do too, your friendship continues.


 Truth is life is meaningless, Nothing makes sense. We all just are on a state that we have to take.  It is futile to Him who wants to say life has something that could be understood. Life, death, accidents, fortunes, birth, miscarriages among others are the colours of life. none informs before arriving. Who can explain all these? Sleep (mini-death), awake (life), sickness and near-death experiences for no reason. Who has the anwers? These are the reasons why life and nothing is meaningful? REALLY? Some say, "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” ― Albert Camus   DID YOU SAY NOTHING IS MEANINGFUL? But then, If nothing is meaningful, how did you understand they are meaningless. If you can say nothing is meaningful, it presupposes that what you say is meaningless. Wait! We will make some sense here.  Here is a discourse on the issue when, Ravi ...