The convergence of erstwhile divergent unrelated emotions, minds, purposes and desires for a cause greater than what the individual mind, emotion, desire and purpose dream is what some see as love. To some, it begins at the point at where a fragile glass-like heart perceives a personality worth treasuring. That supposes the losing of the mind before the birth of it which I do not accept. The patriotic and socially inclined see it as self-denial for one’s polity and forfeiture of some of one person’s joy to bring others also upward to an appreciable level of comfort and well-being. Love means much and the explanations of it are as many as the unbroken hearts the world is still managing to deal with. IT HAS BEEN DEFINED AND REDEFINED . Another group of people against whom I am quite biased in my judgment toward see love in a simplistic sense of a momentary sexual affair. “Show me your love” means nothing less or more to these group of people than t...