convergence of erstwhile divergent unrelated emotions, minds, purposes
and desires for a cause greater than what the individual mind, emotion,
desire and purpose dream is what some see as love. To some, it begins at
the point at where a fragile glass-like heart perceives a personality
worth treasuring. That supposes the losing of the mind before the birth
of it which I do not accept. The patriotic and socially inclined see it
as self-denial for one’s polity and forfeiture of some of one person’s
joy to bring others also upward to an appreciable level of comfort and
well-being. Love means much and the explanations of it are as many as
the unbroken hearts the world is still managing to deal with. IT HAS
Another group of people against whom I am quite biased in my judgment
toward see love in a simplistic sense of a momentary sexual affair.
“Show me your love” means nothing less or more to these group of people
than the 7 minute or less sections of a dance of nakedness with whoever
they choose to do it with. Well, I cannot accept this shallow definition
of this grand concept. Love still means more than an ecstatic feeling
of a selfish mind.
In all the general ideas of love, it is a social concept in that it
must be lived and shared with others other than one’s self. I see it as a
living thing that grows, that needs feeding and that actually needs
mutual nursing between the parties that hold it for it to remain alive,
maintain a healthy growth rate and come to maturity.
This is it, love is a two-hearted body in which the survival of the
body depends on the performance of each heart. The one heart feeds the
other and the other does likewise. The flows of care, attention, offer
of security, longing for among, giving of various forms and others that
flow from both ways in the body of love is what keeps the system fresh,
surviving and growing for the parties that own it.
The love which was once alive, cherished and treasured by those in
love begins to die when the flow of its components becomes
one-directional, occasional or just unfed by the two hearts in love. The
flow must be mutual for the benefits of it to be mutually felt and
maximized. The traffic of its components must flow in a two-directional
way and preferably at the same rate for an increased dividend to be
derived by the people who own it.
Thus, if someone loves you and you want that
love to remain alive and enjoyable, invest in it, nurse it, give it your
best, respect the investments of the other party. Otherwise, love dies
softly. Interestingly, the resurrection of love in human relationships
is a very difficult thing. Even when the pressurization becomes
successful, the resurrected love in most cases is lesser in quality than
the one that was allowed to die.
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