I found this very helpful and decided to blog it to help those who normally search for the meanings of our beautiful Ewe names.

Compiled by
Dodzi K Attah

Ewe names and their meanings (First names)

Afefa: Peaceful house/calm house

Afeke: The root of the house

Afelete: Established home

Agbe : Life

Agbeko : If only there is life

Agbemabiase : The origin of life is not known

Agbemafle : Life cannot be bought

Agbenyefia: Life is the king (if you have life you have everything)

Agbenyega: Life is the greatest (if you have life you have everything)

Agbenyo: Life is good (if you have life you have everything)

Agbesi: Life is the greatest (if you have life you have everything)

Akorfa: Comfort/Peaceful heart

Akorfala: Consoler/comforter

Akpe: Thanks

Akpenamawu: Thank God

Akpene: Thank thee

Amenyo: Human is precious

Ametefe: Replacement (a son whose father died before his birth)

Amewu/Amewuga: Human is precious than money

Anyo: It shall be well

Asiwome: In thy hands

Aseye: Praises

Awoe: He (God) will do it

Awoenam: He (God) will do it for me

Blewu: Be patient

Bubune: Adorable/Honour onto Him

Butsorme: Think of tomorrow

Butsormekpor: Think of tomorrow

Dela: Savior/redeemer

Deladem: Redeemed by the Savior

Delado: The Savior has emerged

Delali: The savior lives/the redeemer lives

Delana: The savior gives

Delanya: The savior knows

Delasi: In the savior’s hands

Desiadenyo: All is good

Dodzi: Endure/Perseverance

Dogbeda: Pray

Dormenyo Kindness/Generous

Dzidedi: Comfort

Dzigbordi: Patient

Dzidudu: Victory

Dzidula: Victorious

Dzidzeme Peaceful heart

Dzidzor: Joy/happiness

Dzidzorli There is happiness

Dzidzorm: l am glad/Happiness

Dziedzorm: l am glad/Happiness

Dzifa: Comfort/Peace at heart

Dzigbordi: Patience

Dzordzoe: Right/just/righteous

Dzorgbenyui: Good luck/Fortune

Edem: He (God) has saved me/he has delivered me

Edemi: He (God) has saved us/he has delivered us

Edudzi: He (God) is victorious/he reigns

Edotom: He (God) has heard me

Edotomi: He (God) has heard us

Edrorlali: The judge lives

Edinam: Am lucky

Edinami: We are lucky

Edzordzi: Glad/happiness

Edzordzinam: Am glad/am happy

Edzordzinawo: They are glad/they are happy

Edzordzinami: We are glad/we are happy

Efakor/Efakornam: He (God) has comforted me

Efanam: I am comforted

Ehenyuive: Bringer of joy

Ekplorm: He (God) leads me

Eleagbe: He is alive

Eli: He (God) lives

Elinam: He (God) lives for me/God with me

Elinami: He (God) lives for us/God with us

Eliva/Elivava: Truly he (God) lives

Elikplim: He (God) is with me

Elikplimi: He (God) is with us

Elike: Rooted on solid ground/established

Elikem: He (God) has established me

Elikemi: He (God) has established us

Elemawusi: In God’s hands

Elolo: He (God) is great

Etrakor: He (God) is undefeatable

Elorm/Elom He (God) loves/adores me

Elormi: He (God) loves/adores us

Emefa: Peace within/Calmness

Emekor: It is apparent

Ena: He (God) gives

Enam: He (God) gives me

Enami: He (God) gives us

Enya: He (God) knows

Enyam: He (God) knows me

Enyami: He (God) knows us

Enyo: Perfect

Enyonam: It’s good for me/It is well

Ese: He (God) hears

Esenam: He (God) has heard me

Eselali: The hearer (Lord) lives

Eselase: The hearer (Lord) hears

Esinu: Waiting upon the Lord

Etor: Belongs to him (God)/He (God) has answered

Etornam: He (God) has answered me

Etornami: He (God) has answered us

Etorna: He (God) answers

Eyra: He (God) blesses

Eyram: He (God) has blessed me/am blessed

Eyrami: He (God) has blessed us/we are blessed

Eyrae: He (God) has blessed him/her

Evenunye: He (God) have mercy upon me

Ewoe: He (God) has done it

Ewoenan: He (God) has done it for me

Ewoenami: He (God) has done it for us

Exornam: He ( God) has saved me

Fafa: Peace/calmness

Fakor: Console

Fakorne: Console him/her

Fafali: There is peace/calmness

Fiavi: Prince

Tsoeke: Forgive

Tsoekewo: Forgive give them

Foli: First son

Gameli: There is time for everything

Ganyo: Money is good

Galevo: Money is different

Gayra: Bless again

Gayram: Bless me again

Gayrami: Bless us again

Kafui: Praise him

Kekeli/Keli/Kekle: Light/ brightness

Kekleli: There's light/there's brightness

Kle: Shine /bright/excel

Klenam: Shine for me

Klenami: Shine for us

Korkoe: Divine

Kplorm: Guide me

Kplorla: Leader/shepherd

Lebenam: Take good care of me

Lebene: Take good care of him/her

Likem: Establish me

Lorm: Love/adore me

Lorlornyo: Love is good

Lorlor: Love

Lorne: Love/adore him/her

Magava: I shall return

Malike: I will be establishes

Manoagbe: I shall live

Mawufeasi: God's hand

Mawufemor: God's way

Mawuko: Only God/Except God

Mawukoenya: Only God knows

Mawunyo: God is good

Mawusi: In God’s hands

Mawulawoe: God will do it

Mawuli: God lives

Mawulinam: God lives for me/ God with me

Mawulorm: God loves me

Mawuena: God gives

Mawuenam: God gives me

Mawunya: God knows

Mawulikplim: God is with me/God with me

Mawulikplimi: God is with us/God with us

Mawuenyega: God is the greatest

Mawuse: God hears

Mawulolo: God is great

Mawutor: Belongs to God/God has answered

Mawueyram: God blesses me

Wawuworge: God will do it

Mawuwoe: God has done it

Makafui: I will praise him (the Lord)

Mazi: I will be silent and wait on God

Mezi: Am silent and waiting on God

Morkporkpor: Hope

Nalikem: Establish me

Nayra: Bless

Norkplim: Be with me

Nuna: Gift

Nunana: Gift

Nunya: Knowledge/wisdom

Nunyati: Tree of knowledge/wisdom

Nuku/Nukunu: Wonder

Nyuitor: Perfect

Se: Law/Destiny/God

Sedem: God has saved/delivered me

Sedemi: God has saved/delivered us

Sedinam: Am lucky

Sedotom: God has heard me

Sedufia: God reigns

Sedudzi: God is victorious/God reigns

Sefa: Peaceful God/God of peace

Sefakor: God has comforted me

Sefadzi: God has comforted me

Seli: God lives

Selinam: God lives for me/God with me

Seyram: God has blessed me/am blessed

Seyrami: God has blessed us/we are blessed

Selorm/Selom: God loves me

Segbefia: A listening king

Sesi: In God’s hands

Sese: God hears

Sena: God gives

Senam: God gives me/God’s gift to me

Sename: God’s gift to mankind

Senanu: God is the giver

Senya: God knows

Senyegbe: Hear my voice

Selali: The hearer (Lord) lives

Selase: The hearer (Lord) hears

Senyo: God is good

Sedotom: God has heard me

Setor: Belongs to God/God has answered

Suboe: Worship/adore him (the Lord)

Sitso: Be glad/happy

Sitsofe: Place refuge

Sroda/Sromawuda: Revere the Lord

Tsoene: Leave it to God

Tsoenamawu: Leave it to God

Xoese/Hoese: Believe

Xorse:/Horse Faith

Xornam/Hornam: Save me

Worlanyo: The Creator is good

Worlasi: In the Creator's hand

Vadem: Come and save me

Valikem: Come and establish me

Vayram: Come and bless me

Vormawu: Fear God

Vornamegbetor: Fear Man

Yesutor: Belongs to Jesus

Yra: Bless

Yayra: Blessing

Yram: Bless me

Yrami: Bless us

Yingor: Excel

Yormawu: Call on God

NOTE:Ewe names are unisex (Designed to be suitable for both sexes).

Compiled by
Dodzi K Attah


  1. Please what is the meaning of Afede

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  2. Pls what's de meaning of Xorve

  3. Pls what's the Ewe meaning of Uniquely special

  4. What's the meaning of Adenyo

  5. Please what's the meaning of Sesinam

    1. In the hands of destiny.

    2. Sesinam: literally means.... Se (God) sinam (hear for me)
      In context, it means "God has heard me".

  6. Please what is the meaning of woname?

    1. Woname (an act that is done for another person). Other forms are Woenam ((God) do it for me), Ewoenam (God has done it for me)

  7. Please what's the Ewe name of the last son

    1. Susue (last) ... It's usually a pet name and not a given name.

  8. Do you know the meaning of Adzivena?

    1. Adzi is a word of endearment for a lover. Vena denotes pain or irritation or frustration.
      Adzivena could mean love is pain or love can cause irritation.

  9. How do you say warrior in ewe?

  10. Please what is the meaning of the ' Austin ' in Ewe?

  11. Alikem could be translated as?

  12. Please what is the meaning of *HOENYEFIA*

    1. 'Ho' is the short form of Hotsui which was used as a medium of exchange or currency by our forefathers and 'fia' means chief so the meaning literally is when you have money you are a chief.

  13. Please what's the meaning of Jenam and Nalem

  14. Please what is the meaning of Gbafa

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